Open Reservations Dates (Fall 2023 and Beyond)

Open Reservations Dates (Fall 2023 and Beyond)

The Office of Student Engagement in the Division of Student Affairs will be updating many of its policies regarding events in spaces managed by our Event Planning Services (EPS) team. The new policies, effective May 1st, aim to provide clearer guidelines for events in Student Activity spaces (Newcomb Hall, 1515, SAB, etc.).

Starting May 1st, members of the UVA community will be able to place reservations for Student Activity spaces up to 365 days in advance of their event date in the event reservation portal EMS.

One of the chief objectives of this new plan is to make reserving event space more comprehensive. In the past, the reservation books were only open for a set period for a specific date range. After receiving feedback from the community, we learned having the reservation books continuously open for up to a year in advance should reduce some confusion associated with placing reservations.

As a reminder, Academic Spaces will not become available for bookings until AFTER THE DROP/ADD DATE for academic courses. This is to accommodate the need for the Registrar's Office to move classrooms based on class size. 

In other changes, the Event Planning Office will be updating its pricing for room rates, audio-visual equipment, and other services. Please continue to monitor the EPS website for updates.

We recognize that after the Covid-19 pandemic, both student groups and departments are having to relearn many event-related policies and procedures. These changes, along with our new Event Planning website, will simplify and improve the process for everyone.

If you have any questions, please write us at [email protected].
